
Blogging? Blogs? Blogger? What the hell is that all about, anyhow? Stupid, overly self-intersted, self-absorbed kids today. Like anyone cares about what anyone else is thinking or doing. Really?!

Hi! How are you? I'm bored too.

Uh, yeah, TTBOTT, odd, huh? I don't find it so odd. It's all true, all honest. If you were to poke my head with a sharpened stick, it's what would have come out yesterday. Tomorrow? Maybe something entirely different would leak. Right?

But, people need to remember my truth is to the middlespaces. And "middlespace" is still defined as: middlespace is the interpretive manifestation of thoughts and ideas as expressed within the context of personal or intimate experiential journeys.

Middlespace: that place...

I set out to make a middlespace album and I will make more. If I cared about mass appeal, I'd never make art. Art is personal. Art runs parallel to emotions; to psychology. Craft is something entirely different. Mass appeal is greatly overappreciated. But, let's never forget the power of the muse.

So, TTBOTT, odd, huh? It's a story, like the bible.