
Whabadoo: Babadoo?! Where you been, man?

Babadoo: I have been very, very ill. I was at death's door. I was one foot in, man.

Whabadoo: Whoa...why didn't you tell me? I could have brought you some soup or something.

Babadoo: Soup! I couldn't eat no fucking soup. I was really goddamn sick, man. I had tubes and shit in my nose. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. Nothing. They said my heart stopped a time or two.

Whabadoo: Shit man, what happened?

Babadoo: Those Republicans, man... The doctor says I had reached, whathesay? "A threshold." My system couldn't take it anymore. I was so full of their nasty, vile polluted shit, I overloaded. I thought I had taken as much as possible, then Bolton, then Wolfowitz, then Hughes, then steroids, then Schiavo. That shit put me over.

Whabadoo: I hear Jerry Fallwell is sick too. Maybe he die? Pope too?

Babadoo: I'm feeling a little better.