
Benzodiazepine Diary

Upon expiration
Heaven forbid I should have
Any unexpressed thoughts
Or unrealized ideas remaining

There will be many dormant
And unrealized ideas left
Especially those schemes
For big bucks quick and plentiful

My reality in actuality
Revolves around hiding
Behind latent thoughts and
Layers of "protective matter"

I tell the children that
The monsters are pretend
Just stories designed to
Keep them in check and fear

But the monsters in your soul
Exist only to kill you and yours
Rape your spirit and dignity
Boots on throats laughter abundant

Love is torture
God is fiction
Governments are false
Family is dysfunction
Law is interpretive
But integrity is unyielding

Yet for brief and calculated moments
We can capture our selves for what they are
Live for situations great and fleeting
And etch memories into the granite of our brains