
Can You Keep Secrets?


So here we are
Living our life-enhancing experiences
Because of our particular fears of
Sinking into apathy

Reflecting on our short, short lives
And collective myths of false paradises
Finding spaces in the middle of spectrums
Between building for those I love
And terrorizing them into submission

By art or accident
Split between art and life

Constant reminders of successes and failures
Of things to come
And of things left behind
The timeliness of creation

Our rewards upon our return
From hell personal and collective
Is truth revealed and truth yet concealed
But without malice, greed, or impishness

Come mock the great
Burn the clutter
Wait patiently but intensely
Even if for an entire lifetime

It is my job – my occupation – my passion
The sum of all training and preparation
To be able to see through the knots
Yours, theirs, mine



Here the kids have honed some of the most
Severe fashion and severe hair
And eyeglasses advertising instant credibility
So committed to scene and moment
Everyone is (their own) royalty here

Nothing is left to chance – I know!
From socks to tattoos ironic
Or topics for disdain or debate
There is certain affect in common
But little overly expressed excitement

Vintage as the newest of the new
Hiding in plain view
As secret as clouds or hunger
The hardest core of post-hip authenticity