Order #: 102-2256847-6668118
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- 1 of: Playing With Fire [Explicit Lyrics]
Sold by: Amazon Export Sales, Inc.
I don't really know, but I somehow just had to order the new Kevin's new record. I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing that there are reasons that my intuition could answer.
Here are possible explanations of my behavior:
1) I'm curious: It can't be as bad as they all say. I don't really know much about the guy but it seems that he is getting judged by things other than his art (I know, that's funny as shit).
2) How bad could it be, he continues to hook up and convince women to have all of his babies.
3) Maybe it is that bad but there are some killer samples I could use (since he can't afford legal representation to sue me).
4) I really don't know, but I'm somehow magically in his corner. Whatever.
5) Perhaps I'm crazy.
Life is funny sometimes.