East Summer West 2007
by Christine McGuinness and Ty Hardaway
[clicky for teaser I] teaser I
[clicky for projectinfo] beginning of project info
You might remember "Mold Man" from a previous Ask Ty! Well, we've made the move to the common room, and I'm happy to say that he's nowhere near as moldy as before.Ty: Good question and an even better observation, HA. And, you're right! Ask Ty! would be a great spot for Priceless Banter (the Kingdom of Leisure show starring Todd Hawking & Rich Rawlings). Priceless Banter (or "PB" as the kids say) is a show about a show, you know. Kind of like Jerry! but with much more of the swearing. It's full of illegal calls, copyright infringements, and other malicious and deliberate activities that we can get a way with since there is not attorney general now that AG Antonio Banderas has resigned. It would be great to do Ask Ty! on the big show. I could even make it "funny" or "irreverent." Gee. Thanks, HA.
The problem now, though, is the same guy, who sits a mere 20 feet from me, throughout the day, makes these loud hog-like snorts. He'll make several of them in a row, and maybe do it five or six times a day. I guess everyone else in the room is pretending not to hear it, because no one has said anything about it.
Ty, why is he doing this, and how can I get him to stop?
Just Wondering,
- Hog Adverse AKA Trippin' Mold While Working for the Man
(Hey, I think Ask Ty! would be a good segment for Priceless Banter)
"[Michael] Vick made Pete Rose look like Albert Einstein here."[clicky]
- King Kaufman