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1) This is the extent of my ornitholigical abilities. If I look at a crow and I think, "wow, that's a big fucking crow," then it's probably a raven.
2) I like crows and ravens. They're crafty, intelligent, and they mock us from telephone poles. They use tools. But last week I was walking through a parking lot and a bas-ass looking raven had a piece of pizza. He was making all those raven squack noises that are the bird world equivalent of "Bitch! Bitch! Fuck all you bitches!" A seagull came up and said, I'm a motherfucking seagull and I'm going to take your pizza. And when the seagull flew off with the pizza, I looked at the raven and said, "Pussy."
3) How badass is it when your group is called a murder? A murder of crows. Makes up a little for getting bitch-slapped by a seagull.
4) I also like ravens because when they walk, it looks like they have a big turd in their pants.