They decided to play Rock, Paper, Scissors -- a childhood universal. Janken. Roshambo. I'm watching because it's cute. First round (remember, it's a five year-old and a six year-old).
"Rock-paper-scissors go!" The B whips out a sweet pair or scissors. Her new friend...whips out a...knife. Huh?! A knife! Next round she whips out a bomb!
As you and I know:
Rock: represented by a closed fist.What I now learned:
Paper: represented by an open hand.
Scissors: represented by the index and middle fingers extended.
Rock blunts/smashes scissors; rock wins.
Paper covers rock; paper wins.
Scissors cut paper; scissors wins.
Gun: represented by index finger and thumb extended.Who knew? Queens in the house, yo! Genius.
Bomb: represented by closed fist and thumb extended.
Knife: represented by index finger extended thumb down.
Gun shoots knife; gun wins.
Bomb blow up gun; bomb wins.
Knife defuses bomb; knife wins.