Hey, Isn't That . . .I actually went to the article because of the radio teaser (so I guess they kind of work). It's about how the big bad corporations are stealing photo and other imagery off the interwebs and using said images in their ads and programming. Evil, huh?
First paragraph -- first sentence -- I'm all like, "Hey, isn't that...." And it was! Fucking genius of the web. Tracey Gaughran-Perez (I swiped her photo w/o permission too). Sound familiar? Well it does to me. It's Jamie's (Gaughran-Perez) wife. I've actually never met her because I had to bail on the wedding at the very last minute (somebody didn't feel well because of a pregnancy - sheesh, huh?).
But, there she was. A woman I've never met. But, I felt I knew her...I mean really knew her (not like that, assholes). I do know Jamie [clicky here how I know him]. I miss Jamie. He's a gem. I am surprised that my only MIOA reference to JP is from five years back [clicky].
By the way and so you know (BTW/SYK) Jamie is also the famous Lenny Hoffman, visual artist, and Lenny Hoffman, musician, "Suck My F______ D___, You A______, You A______." You remember, The Pope of Jaimietown?
Anyway, all of my photography is available to all corporations all over the world. My fee is modest, 'cuz I like moneys. But, mostly, I want credit you heartless, evil, bastards! Tattoo my name on it, bitches!