Rickey: I do love the miniatures. I'm trying to come up with what makes some more effective than others. I think it has to do with believability. So trains make sense. People don't translate as well into the miniature, but toying with that line between what is convincing and what is not is the interesting part. I also think that perspective lends itself to believability. Level or downward looking shots work because that's the perspective you'd have on a miniature world. Shots upward don't. But again, the fertile ground is in between what you can get behind and believe and what you can't. The middlespace if you will.
Ty: Yes, the down shot is ideal for the mini effect. But consider this, if one were being creative in shooting real miniatures one might try to shoot them to NOT look like miniatures. I'm definitely toying (pun?) with what works and what doesn't. But, as you concur, it may or may not have to be what looks right (or convincing). Maybe I'm more in search of what just looks a little "off." Thus: Maybe I'm trying to make actual non-miniatures look like miniatures that look like non-miniatures with our without context.
As with all of this shit, it's body (thread) of work in progress.