
Observations From the East

From Middlespacer DE60 in Massachusetts:
I slide to your side. I hate admitting it, but I worry about Hill in a general election because of purely gender issues. I don't think she will be as effective against McCain as Obama. I'd love to say, "Fuck it!," and go with it, but this election is too important. The target is the White House; whether it is Hill or Obama is secondary.

On top of that, however, Obama, though he has some faults (don't we all), I think is the only candidate of all of them with a different vision and the charisma to possibly bring it off.

I'm going to play your storylines (without attribution) to my college friend, a ROTC > 20-year army officer, military war machine consultant, fairly open minded reader/thinker who has claimed for months that Clinton will prevail, get the nomination and win the general election, regardless. Stay tuned.

I'm not that fond of her, but she's capable and a fighter, but she's a Clinton and has a machine I don't like, and she's got Bill, who has really turned me off against him (and her), and I'm concerned that she would have a more difficult time beating McC than Obama, so my thoughts reflect yours. My concern is that her machine may just roll her into the nomination. Obama has been good the past few weeks and he did not do badly Tuesday night (actually gained, I believe, although a lot of talking heads did not see it that way).

Anyhow, there is clarity between them aside from her so-called experience and policy wonkness, he is the vision, the difference; she ain't. I only know about two individuals up here who voted for her; I was surprised that she won Mass. Also surprised that so many Mass-Ass republicans voted for that dickhead.

Yeah, well we could argue the nuances of gender issue, but I do think it is to some degree (chick versus soldier), but you are correct that it is Clinton+gender. Another "chick" would not have the Clinton baggage to deal with.

You're also correct on conservatives going after her too. She is disliked-to-feared by lots of folks.

Another element, gender will be part of the negatives put out on her if she gets the nomination -- whether SHE can be a "Commander in Chief," than kind of stuff -- but fewer people will overtly use race against Obama. In fact, Hill could ask, "You're not against me because I'm a woman, are you," and some could say, "Yeah I am, bitch." On the other hand, were Obama to ask, "You're not against me because I'm black, are you," most people would back-peddle, "Oh, no, of course not. Blah, blah, blah. I have a black friend...." People against Hill won't mind using gender against her (perhaps not publicly), but most people won't use race against Obama. It's is sort of fascinating how this plays out.

The other interesting factor is that most Democrats are not going to go Republican if the candidate they favor in the primary does not get the nomination. Dems are enjoying a unity they haven't seen for a long time.

Finally, isn't it great that that motherfucker Kerry isn't running. I'd forgotten what an asshole he is.