
Observations From the West

From Middlespacer CK88 in California:
"It's the same struggle for each of us and the same path out: The utterly simple, infinitely wise, ultimately defiant act of loving one thing and then another. Loving our way back to life."

-Barbara Kingsolver

So true indeed, we are all looking for something.

Super 'Fat' Tuesday was no exception. There's something about watching a person cast a vote, which is fundamentally inspiring while at the same time heartbreaking. On the surface a potential, but one that is slowly being beaten from all of us. That's the way I felt working my local Polling Precinct and watching a long line of people, cheat sheets in hand, waiting and wanting to cast their ballots, wanting so hard to be relevant. But the heartbreaking part is that the average Good Old Boy around here is taught at an early age how to celebrate the Super Bowl or watch American Idol for 6 hours at a clip. But when it comes to voting, even if it's for just one day only 60% of those same people can bring themselves to go punch a ballot [ed. note: 60% is probably an overestimate even for progressive SoCo]. Maybe we are all Philistines at heart (although I like to believe the opposite).

On the flip side I had worn a NY Yankees cap to the precinct and after 10 hours reading names off the Voter Roll I looked up to see a blue haired 50 year-old Battle Axe of a lady who engaged me in some good natured verbal sparring on what she termed "my turncoat Yankees alliance." I countered by observing that she must be one of those "Bitter Bostonian fans" to which she admitted being as a Rhode Island native. Which is only to point out that if you can teach a 50 year-old Rhode Islander to mix it up with a Yankee fan living in California maybe anything is possible. Even after 14 hours of poll work there is still a fire inside of me that gets heated when it comes to the beauty of an election.

But let's be real, I couldn't agree with you more: people need to Stop Being Suckers and Suppress The Propaganda. If you don't believe it try watching the returns on CNN for an hour. What a show! With equal parts of The Odd Couple and a lame PBS special all rolled into a sea sickening orgy of finally crafted Spin. But that's an ugly way to wrap this up so let me leave you with the t-shirt I saw in downtown Oakland (with a picture of Hillary and Obama):

Bro's Up/Ho's Down. Barrack '08

But enough of that. I think you have a legitimate angle here as "The Prophet" and I think you should aim to capitalize on it while the irons are still hot. You could garner all sorts of high-end sponsorships. Why stop at sports. You've got your finger on the pulse of this nation. And your word is the truth....

Vote The Prophet '08
