2. On my trip out there was one empty seat on the entire flight. That would be the middle seat next to me. The guy on the aisle was so happy, he leaned over and expressed his glee.
Aisle Guy: Hey, we got lucky [points to middle seat]That was our only conversation. Too bad I was going to explain how I get work to pay for two seats.
Me: Yeah, well luck has little to do with it. If you call in your reservation and tell them that you weigh over 500 pounds they'll let you buy two contiguous seats.
Aisle Guy: ...
Me: [Smiling] Ha! They can't see you on the phone!
3. I see in my notes that I'm going to try something new. I am reminded of a line from a Lawrence Edples poem:
It becomes less sacredSomething like that.
As it becomes less secret
Less potent as it becomes
More popular
4. Ursula K. LeGuin says, "Perhaps blogging is an effort to bring creativity to networking, and perhaps blogs will develop aesthetic form."
5. There are these guys who go around and yell at shit.