Q: Is there something wrong with every browser I've ever used or are Myspace pages meant to look like they were designed in 1998 by a 14 year old girl the day she learned she could copy and paste html source code?
- Middlespacer Richie, "East Bay in the hizzy"
Ty: Good Question and an even better observation. Simple answer: No. Your browser's fine unless you're some kind of kook using Microsoft® Internet Explorer®. Ha-ha, you wouldn't be a kook, I'm sorry. You'd just be retarded.
And, yes, every MySpace page does look like crap (I've only seen like four and smartbomb's page was the very first). Basically MySpace is Geocities circa '98 (with Marcy Playground playing upon page launch). MySpace is basically Geocities in some some sort of stunted growth/arrested development scenario (whooo, Everclear!). But I don't believe they are meant to look that way. They're just not meant to look like anything, in fact. Because the worse the page looks, the better the ads look, MySpace mopes!
Note: I tried to find smartbomb's page just now and the only thing I found was this ad (speaking of ads):

And, why the diss toward 14 year old girls? I'm guessing 14 year old girls are more creatively inclined than 14 year old boys? As we say in Maryland (or on The Wire), think on that one, Jimmy. Or maybe I'm just the parent of a bad ass girl. I digress....
Anyway, hasn't MySpace turned that corner and become a bastion of prostitution like the rest of the Internet by now? I'm not saying this person is a prostitute or anything, but I went to MySpace to see what you were talking about (doing my research) and typed in "fun" and this is what I got: [clicky]. Of course when I say "Internet prostitution," I mean, not actual women offering not actual sex.
Say, what were you doing on MySpace, anyway, Governor Spitzer? And speaking of not actualy sex: According to the NY Times, Spitzer utilized some service, where "The most highly ranked prostitutes cost $5,500 an hour, prosecutors said." Humm. Whore? $5,500 an hour. Humm. That must be some ferocious fuck, no? I mean 5,500 U.S. American dollars. Okay, if I won the lottery and had money to burn, I'd have to see what $5,500 get's a fella, right? I'm just curious. It's like trying to conceptualize the life of the super wealthy? You can't because you just -- as a commoner like us -- can not conceptualize that kind of loot/lifestyle. Well, let me tell you, I cannot conceptualize $5,500 pussy. He'll skate on this because nobody selected for any grand or trial jury can conceptualize $5,500 ass. I'm just saying, I won't get an iPhone because it costs five hundred dollars. I'm in no position to even pass judgment on $5,500 tail. I can offer you only this, from a lady friend of mine:
"...seems like i'm in the wrong fucking business - $5,500 an hour! (i guess you would have to sleep with nasty old gross sexually repressed men, though)."I bet she didn't intend the funny pun: "fucking business." I don't think you could find $5,500 trim on MySpace though. But, "Research Donations" will be accepted.
Just a guess.
P.S. This Spitzer thing is just a shot across the bow for what looms with regard to the so-called prestigious presidential election dirt. Just. You. Watch.