Recent interactions with the work of Clare Strand, Danny Treacy, Joachim Schmid, Christine McGuinness, and the photographic tinkerings of Aaron Freeman has led me to this conclusion. Not that the work of these people have shifted my paradigms, but they were the sufficient nudges. And, I'll tell you what, scary as it seems, I haven't felt this liberated since the early days of tKoL or the free-form days of the Middlespace laboratory studies.
Maybe it's illness or maybe actual inspiration, but I've shut down Book Four's Chapter Two at about what should have been mid-point and will make an attempt to formulate some programs around the spirit of the middlespace roots. Perhaps....
Perhaps promptly because there is excitement with revelation.
Perhaps not because my so-called "programs" have not been established in any sense (and I want to start anew). While I have ease and comfort with my technique and execution and am generally satisfied with my output, I have never been very good at creating quality projects where the work follows systematically. Maybe that's just not my style; not my bag. I'll soon find out, right?
Just what is this pursuit? I don't yet know, but as I've explained to some, the elements are coming together:
Okay, there we have it. Here are the seven remaining pieces from Chapter 2 -- a typical hodge-podge of stuff complete with clever titles -- just for you! Call it, B4/C2/P51/End, if you like - you are presented with a larger version of the image if you select ("click") the individual images with your computing pointing device ("mouse"):
- I'm working toward my end-of-career retrospective. Now.
- I'm seeking a truth that's unsettling yet defined.
- I am not a photographer and never will be a photographer. Cameras are my tools. I don't get photography.
- I will not feel pressure to explain my work in logical, conventional terms.
- People, no matter how annoying, are essential to this pursuit.
- Context has deep and significant meaning.
- Art can be -- should be -- historic. It's not that art is unimportant, but important art has a longer wake; something approaching permanence.
The Future of Voice Contest
Untitled Landscape
The Otis Laboratory: On Empty
Buds = Yawn
Reminds me of Christine
The Symmetry of Asymmetry
Feline Spy
That's it. Oh, and of the projects in progress I will honor my commitment to Zero to A Hundred. The others may meld into something new or be discarded as they stand.