
Special Political Comment

As it stands right now, I will not vote for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton for president.

There was a time when I thought she was the right choice, but I realize that was only to thumb the eyes of the same Republicans whom thumbed my eyes previously. Mostly, I argued that it was not impossible for her to be president. It was viable, I argued.

But after watching this Mark Penn-Bill Clinton led campaign unfold, I am convinced that John Sidney "Zipper" McCain would make a better president of the United States. Seriously. I mean they had Geraldine Ferraro call my boy Barry Oh!® a shine. Say what?! Yep. She is a monster, then.

If Barack Obama wins the nomination, I'll vote for him to be president (first choice, I guess this is my endorsement). If Hillary Clinton wins the nomination, I'll vote against her (last choice) by casting a vote for John "Likes 'em Blonde" McCain to be president (second choice). And, I am not alone in this position as a libertarian progressive, believe me.

Her campaign is embarrassing and, perhaps, worse that Gore 2000 and Kerry 2004's combined. And by "worse" I mean most evil, nasty, manipulative campaign. So, in that case, worse than Bush 2000, Nixon 1972, and Bush 2004 combined. Gore and Kerry were just badly run.

Oh, I'll let Olbermann explain:
I am not a Democrat nor am I beholden to Democrats. Screw 'em. I am an American, I can vote for whomever I want (I will actually campaign against her).