I guess you can have it both ways, Senator, because you're just another one of the many Republican liars. Not that Democrats don't tell lies (I'm not picking sides here, really I don't like that party either) but the Republicans kind of expect everyone to fucking believe their bullshit. They act all incredulous if you don't. How dare you not believe all of our (well documented in the elite liberal Jewish media) lies you, you...you terrorist!
"We're going to recover the people's trust."Also last night John-Sidney told us to “…teach an ill-ill-illiterate adult to r-read....” (then the camera panned to some 50-year-old guy with sign that reads “The Mavrick”) And then he listed a whole bunch of other ways in which you can put Country Above Self. Basically, his list read like a job description for a "Community Organizer" on the South Side of Chicago. He implored us to embark on a "cause greater than yourself!" Like…community service? He said that if we don't like how things are going in America we should do something like run for office. Uh, isn't that what "the other guy" is doing? But, his VP pick belittled everything about community service, community organizing and "experience."
- Jon-Sidney "No Change" McCain
I'm so confused.
Then during the heartwarming "narrative" portion of the big green screen show: Narrative of the Arms! He told us he was a POW (who knew, right?). But, I thought that we've all been fed the story that Jon-Sydney was all heroing in Vietnam when the so-called "gooks" unpatriotically captured him and broke his American Hero Arms into the tiny tyrannosaurus arms he has today. No! We learned just last night that he was basically a shitty, reckless pilot who wasn't thinking about America when he was all killing civilians and stuff when he crashed his own plane. Into a lake. And got caught. Which story should we go with, Senator Hero?
So, then he became a real U.S. American in the Hanoi prison ("And they broke me"). He became a real U.S. American in his 6x4' cell (in Hanoi) and came home and promptly put Country Family Values First and dumped his newly crippled wife Carol because she wasn't hot and rich and married Cindy because she was hot and rich and generally doped out of her fucking head most of the time. Divorced in April. Married again in May.
He vows to end "partisan rancor" (did he listen to ANY ONE ELSE who spoke at his convention?). He's going to change the tone in Washington. He's a uniter not a divider. He's...Just like George W. Bush! Hurray! And Republicans are now--adding to their leadership in feminism and civil rights--environmentalists. And they tell us that Obama bin Biden is all for Big Oil (and cowardice).
Since the Republicans have now been duped into following the Democrats Change/Hope framework for this election cycle, you tell me, who has better a story? Hopey-Mopey Harvard Law Hussein Obama or Jon-Sydney "No Change Mavirk" McCain. Story? Yes, because, as the McCain campaign told us, this election isn't about issues.
Whatevs. I ain't telling anybody how to vote, but c'mon, this is just dumb. Read today's Krugman: [clicky]. I'm just tired and insulted by this bullshit. "Drill-baby-drill," indeed.
The end.