
More on "Dave's Prediction..."

From The Rev. D.J. Richey Scratchy:
"My first thought was that I no longer believe that the Republican Machine is capable of doing this. You have to believe in competence before you can believe in conspiracy and I am an astute enough observer of the human condition to recognize that competence, particularly group or organizational competence is a rare trait.

My second thought, supporting that, was that if they could nab Osama whenever they wanted him, they would have rolled him out many times in the past (2004 elections, Katrina aftermath, Harriet Miers nomination, 2006 elections). There have been many things more important to W and his cronies than the election of John Sidney "No Change" McCain.

But my third thought was this. They've got him already. They found him sometime since the 2006 elections. He's in a cold storage locker in Beltsville, MD and every time W starts jonesing for tequila shots or gets the blueballs from his over-medicated wife-bot, he and Dick head out and administer a healthy routine of kidney punches kicks to the throat to their October Surprise. Careful not to damage the beard. People want to see the beard when they roll him out for public display.

Could be."


Dave's Predition [clicky]