
Ask Ty...October 1

It must be Tuesday Wednesday, Middlespacers, because I'm answering your questions
Q: Ty,

You know I was pondering the likelihood of what could happen should Obama win in November...and its not a pretty picture for at least the first 6-8 months (as he'll be cleaning up after W).

But then I had an even scarier thought: what would happen if we had another "miscount?" I mean if Obama loses in that fashion, what's the likelihood of mass rioting/race wars/global thermo nuclear war?

Just a question.


- Cass

Ty: Good question and an even better observation, Cass.

Wow. You raise a really serious question. What would happen? Damn! In March of 1991 Rodney King got his ass kicked by the LAPD and CHP after they stopped his PCP smoking ass speeding and evading said police in his Hyundai. Four cops were acquitted in April 1992. The ensuing riots were brutal [clicky]. We all pretty much know what and how this happened so I won't elaborate.

Sure it was 1992 and times were different, right? We were in a recession, Bush was president, and the USA had some perceived social polarization in terms of race and class. But what has changed in 16 years? Nothing. Well, actually we are in a worse recession teetering on depression. A worse Bush is in the White House. The USA has some clear social polarization in terms of race and class. So yeah what has changed in 16 years is that we are scuffling up some serious static in a much more volatile powder keg of a country. Er, let me try this metaphor, we are flinging matches at each other in a giant barrel of gasoline of a world here. Anyway.

OK, so suppose the 2008 election finishes much like 2000 election [clicky]. We all pretty much know what and how this happened so I won't elaborate. But suppose we have not only a contested outcome but we have similar nuances to 2000. Like the electoral college outcome not matching the popular vote or exit polling; like serious irregularities at polling centers; like the Republican-majority Supreme Court deciding the victor....


You may be on to something very important here. I recommend we all take Code Orange Y2K precautions as soon as possible. You know: duct tape and plastic sheeting. Get your money out of your bank's ATM (if you still have a bank) and stock up on provisions (if your grocery store hasn't closed yet).

Yeah, we might be fucked.

Just a guess,



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