
Ask Ty...October 7

It must be Tuesday, Middlespacers, because I'm answering your questions
Q: Ty,

Any thoughts on tonight's debate?

We'd like to see "Shoeless Joe" Biden show up with a pit bull on a studded chain (as trained by Michael Vick). I put the odds at about 45-1. More than that I'd like to see Obama "Fist Bump" the moderator when he answers a question well...odds on that is about 21-1.


- Cass

Ty: Good question and an even better observation, Cass.

Yes. Yes I do have thoughts on tonight's debate. I have plenty of thoughts on tonight's debate. I have thoughts. I have opinions. The question is, do I have anything to write about tonight's debate? That's not a dig at you though; I'm not scolding you. I'm just wondering if there is really anything left to say.

First of all, I have eels in my intestines, at least it feels like eels. And, no, it's not from my Daikichi Amano days. I must have accidentally introduced something that believes the human colon is the perfect environment to stage the colon-lympics (never mind). This weekend I did eat, let me see: snails, octopus, undercooked lamb, imported sausages, and mystery cheeses. But, and I'm certain of this, it was the leftover piece of chicken I dropped in the kitchen sink. I re-cooked it, but that probably only exacerbated the infestation. But I thought red wine killed all that shit. I thought that was the purpose of red wine; the alcohol killing the beasties that kind of "hang out" on hors' dourves but decide to "settle down" and have a family in my GI tract (tract homes pun unintentional).

I'm not a gambler and I don't know much about odds or over/under and such. But I do know that Senator Obama will be extraordinarily cordial, charismatic, and presidential tonight. At this point the Obama/Biden ticket is playing a late game prevent D. Not to say they won't take an open slot to run the score up a bit, but you're not going to learn much that is new from this team tonight. Barack Obama will probably be more Barry Oh!® Clinton Reagan than nasty old Pappy McCain. He'll be cool. But, I'd put the fist bump odds a little higher if you include the audience. Maybe 8-1.

As far as McCain...uh, it'll only be more nastiness, more lies, and more of the same. Like I said before (or, at least, like I alluded to): Don't we know enough already? To distill: McCain/Palin = not fit for the Wasilla dogcatcher's office. Seriously. Is this even a contest? But at least John "Elmer Fudd" McCain owns a mansion and a yacht. So it's a win-win for America!

Just a guess,



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