
Mope Squad America! Guest Post: Cass' Political Commentary Corner

Cass' Notes from the Last and Final 2008 Presidential Debate

What is this guy talking about? Who is this freak? I don't think I can bear to watch anymore. Let's be clear on a couple of things:
A) Americans don't mistrust politics because you guys can't agree on anything? We mistrust politics because of this kind of shit. I mean just say what your trying to say. Americans don't like politics because of this bullshit double speak.

McCain wants to solve the energy problem by building 45 new Nuclear Plants? Come on, I thought we dealt with this issue like 100 years ago, when we almost wiped out the Eastern Seaboard with a nuclear meltdown. Or how about Chernobyl. Does anyone remember all the fucked up deformed, McCain looking children that came out of that debacle?

Or maybe we should be drilling offshore to "show the world that we have our own supply of oil." Oh my fucking god. Meanwhile Obama says over and over again that we need wind energy, fuel efficient cars and new means of producing energy. This is the Old World v. the New World. Pro Life, Oil Sucking White Bastards want to rule your world.... OK. I got off track....

B) This guy is so fucking snippy and retarded (sorry to all the Challenged kids) that it's hard to watch. And why is everyone afraid of Sarah Palin? Obama actually ENDORSED her as a gifted politician...on what basis, organizing the Hockey Moms Bake Sale Fund Raiser...unbelievable. Let's get something straight. Obama is a political nerd. He's was a lawyer for gods sake...I mean every question asked he broke down his a school teacher to all the 2nd grade American Minds...McCain? Bullshit rhetoric and attacks.

C) The bottom line is this: If you really want change, I mean if you REALLY want change you should hope Obama loses. L.A. burns, Chicago riots and we put up with 4 more years of Global Rape and Pillaging...not to mention global thermonuclear unrest and global depression...but so what. I was born in 1973...Nixon was the president...I lived through Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and all the fucked-up sidekicks that went along with that gang of War Criminals...but so what...Real change that'll come when the American people stop thinking that they have a "Choice" in who to vote for. There really is no choice. No matter how you look at it...Mother Earth is pissed off, we've sucked up all her oil and fucked with her oceans and forests for too long. The shit rain is coming. It's just a matter of if you have an umbrella or not.
And by the way, these debates are total crap (did I mention this?). I would have rather seen Josh Brolin (aka Oliver North, George W. Bush) versus Tiny Fey (aka Sarah Palin) in a Roller Derby Mud Wrestling that would be good TV. I mean where is Steven Spielberg when you need him? Where is Spike Lee when you need him? If you want good politics why not a "Survivor: Bangladesh"...why not a UFC Mixed Marshal Arts showdown...this is crap...where's the Fist Bump, where's the "Dap"; where are McCain's stories about eating maggots as a POW? This is so remarkably stiff that it's not even funny. Somebody HIT somebody, somebody say something remarkable, where is Clinton when you need him? Where's the retort? Where's the comeback? Even Reagan was better than this. I mean this is the Face of Politics in 2008 a totally freakish robot weirdo and his side kick Tina Fey are Still....In...The...Race...? No way. No way this guy even gets a shot.

I have it Obama by 20 electoral question about it.

This was remarkable--from Item "C" above--in its brilliance and foresight:
"The bottom line is this: If you really want change, I mean if you REALLY want change you should hope Obama loses."