Oh I see, when I alluded to "White President" you assumed I meant Senator McCain of Arizona (R), right? No, the other white one. You forgot Barry was white? Well you will get reacquainted with that fact in the next week and a half. Pssssst. Barry's white!
And, believe me, I hurt for Barry, don't get me wrong. I know the pain of the dying grandmother who raised you. I know the loneliness of the separation of thousands of miles during this emotional time. I totally know. March 12, 1993. That's when my grandmother who raised me died. It's sad. It's wrenching. It's...mom. And for Barry, it's mom again. What is it with this
Barry's grandmother who is ill right now (and sincerely bless her heart) is his white grandmother, Mrs. Madelyn Dunham. The widow of Stanley Dunham. Madelyn and Stanley Dunham of Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S. America. Let me pull up a photo because you will see that Barry looks exactly like Stanley. Hold on.... Here it is (the same photo all over the news):

Yes the Dunhams are pretty middle-America white for sure. And look at Stanley's face above. Nope! Barry ain't adopted. That's for certain. Look again (at this one in all the news too):

So yeah, I'm sorry that Mrs. Dunham is sick. Breaks all of my heart. And good for Brock to visit. That's simple love and respect. She raised him. It's his duty to tell her how much he loves her. I don't know how ill she is but I hope she--first and foremost--lives to see her grandson, Barack Brock "Barry" O'Baughmaugh Obama become the fucking president of the United Sates.
You know what? Fuck you, GOP! He's totally and safely white. Get over yourselves. Country Bumpkins First.