Here's what I got out of last night's debate in no particular order and without the aid of supporting or reference articles (I haven't read one word on this thing yet today). This is strictly what comes to mind here and now:
1. A vote for John McCain is basically a vote for Sarah Palin for president because John McCain is not a healthy man. He is old, he's feeble, he's demented, and he's dying. It's as clear as the sunrise that he is in physical and cognitive decline. Think back to John McCain of 2000. Now consider this: have you even seen what presidents look like after a term? How 'bout two terms?Barry & Joe or John & Sarah? Yes, it is a culture war. For sure. But it's not black and white per se, nor is it a woman versus man thing, in its entirety. What this is, is the intelligence and science of humankind battling for its carbon-based life against the virus that is mediocrity, fear, and what is called "faith" (but what I call fantasy). Who's the mope now?
Remember this guy?And we know that W doesn't work hard. He's a lazy fella. But he now looks like a real old dude. Remember Carter? Even Bush I added like 25 years. Even Bubba Clinton paid some aging dues. John McCain already looks Reagan's age when he left office in 1989 (and he wasn't so physically or cognitivelly fit, was he?). I do not believe John McCain can survive the presidency. Simply put, a GOP vote is a vote for the Sarah LH Palin presidency because the erratic John McCain is not physically or mentally fit for office.
2. Barack Obama is cool. Probably too cool to be the president. And by cool I mean, collected, composed, and a true badass. We actually need a president like Barack Obama. You want America to be the coolest country on the planet again? Hire "that one" as CEO. Cool and brilliant. Cool and confident and smart. The guy you need to know because it ups your game by mere association. That one.
3. McCain lost that debate so many times he actually won it for like twenty-three seconds, then he lost it again in a stumbling collapse of cards, notes, Vick's Vapo-Rub, and support hose. It's like smoking too much pot (from what I've read). You get high, then you get stoned, then you smoke yourself sober. You have to start all over again.
That was John McCain last night. He got his ass kicked so badly, your brain starts all feeling sorry for him then you realize that he's just like that crazy old guy on your block who still drives a DeSoto and hasn't painted his house in like 30 years and the county keeps coming to mow his lawn that goes to seed every year. You feel kind of bad then one day you say hello and he cusses you out and calls you "that one" and makes up all these weird lies that he shouts only to himself. You just get pissed that you actually felt something for such an asshole prick motherfucker. So you stop feeling sorry because you realize he's just an old, sad, douche who probably spat racial profanities at your grandfather when your grandfather was a porter at the Navy Club and he was 17.
4. John McCain should fire his entire advance team. Uh, hello? They let little Johnny Mac sit on those high chairs? In fact, it looked like he was a giant baby in a suit sitting in a high chair like some weird ad during the Super Bowl (tm). Obama all comfy and cool and collected and smart and above the fray and McCain only touching the floor with his tiny tippy-toes (he had to scooch all the way to the front of the seat to do that). That was embarrassing as hell. They should have put Obama in one of those tiny pre-school chairs for balance (but Barack would have still styled hella tite).
5. Barack is smart. I admire intelligence. There are few people I admire because of their intelligence. Shelly and Barry may definitely make that list. No problem-o. Shout out to Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, University of Chicago (Professor Obama). Huh? Gladys-Wood Elementary? WTF?
6. America is at a profound turning point as to what it will become. It'll either become a craggy old fortress of hate and despair or it'll be unicorns and dolphins flying over rainbows.
7. Do not for one minute think that I believe what comes out of the mouths of politicians. I don't. But you fool yourself if you believe you are "judging" a presidential "debate" on "substance." That' just dumb ass bullshit. What you are judging is a job interview, an audition, and your own gut feeling (intuition) about someone. Think about that.
Mope Squad! Extra:
You know what's great about the collapsing world financial markets? Equity. Not that kind, well maybe, but yeah: Equality. Now us poor but smart slobs have a turn at being on the team. Or, think on this for a minute, maybe we'll be the new captains of the teams. Johnny Stockbroker has less money than I. Ha-ha!
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