"Your gangster is not defined by how low your jeans fall by your waist, but more how your genes stand over his expectations. Never forget where you came from. To be a gangster, swagger is not a must, it's a liability, a cliche, a bad suit, cut the bullshit. You know if it wasn't for this, there would be no that. Gangsterment allows you to make up your own laws and create brand new words. Gangster mentality. Damn it feels good to be a gangster."
"American Gangster"
Let me tell you something, the words above are a far cry and a generation from "Fuck Da Police." Nor are these words as desperate or terrifying as, "Fear of a Black Planet" (indeed, the phrase"Fear of a Black Planet" is far more terrifying than "Fuck Da Police"). The new gangsterment vibe is quite confident, inarguably intelligent, and systematically deliberate. And fuck you, that's not any kind or type of "socialist" talk, fool.
Don't you like how every mope in the county is suddenly some kind of expert on "socialism" now because this week's last desperate talking point happens to use the word "socialist." I've said it before but please stop being such dumb no-thinking-for-themselves racist motherfuckers.
OGs can sit this round out. You did your part; solid blocks up the middle, sweet no-look passes in the lane, perfect 6-4-3s in late innings. But it's NG time. And that's not black or white; or red or blue; nor male or female; or north or south. NG time is confident, intelligent, and deliberate.