We carved our jack-o-lantern a little late this year; after Halloween. But between our jack-o-lantern and the other pumpkins on our stoop, we have attracted a few of the squirrels in the neighborhood. And we (or, I) now know some of them. Of course one is Todd; the black one(s) [clicky]. The one in the photos here is Max's favorite. I don't know its name but Max probably does. I'll call him Benji.
So these guys are eating our pumpkins. Squirrels are interesting. And mid-November must be crunch time for them. Getting all the shit stored for the long winter, getting one's body fat in order. Says here in the Wiki, that squirrels are clever and persistent animals. That doesn't surprise me one bit. They seem quite persistent, for sure. But, yeah, I'll give 'em clever too. That makes sense. They seem to defeat every bird feeder I've ever seen.
No hate for squirrels. I know I should chuck the half-eaten pumpkins (and I think I will) but it's interesting nonetheless.
It's fascinating what becomes part of your world when you work from a place where you can see stuff as it happens and actually understand the consequences of that stuff.