In yesterday's New York Times Sunday Magazine, there was an article, a discussion of, advertising and branding. Blah-blah-blah, the usual shit [clicky].
So I'm reading this article and my child says, "Hey, when you're finished with that I want to circle the ones I like." My 6.5 year-old child (maybe even to a lesser degree than others her age, in fact) is so brand savvy, she is volunteering to identify positive identifications with some of the world's largest corporations.
So she did the circling part. That was in and of itself fascinating. She circled some obvious "like" choices for a kid: McDonalds, Pixar, Oreo, Hot Wheels, and Baskin Robbins. She's a kid. But it was surprising that she chose "like" choice graphics related to: Blogger, Citi, Bank of America, John Deere, Red Bull, among others.
So, I asked if she wanted to tell me what she knew about each of the 237 icons. She agreed and was able to correctly identify the business of half of the icons. She got 116/237 correct, 49%(she probably recognized about 70% of the icons but had no clue about all of their business or interests, but that is irrelevant). I was kind of stunned, particularly, when she got one's like Avis, DHL, Mercedes, Bose, Ebay, and Samsung correct.
And yes, British Petroleum does indeed have a reach to the pre-pre-pre-pre-driving market.