So my daughter's first grade class just finished a module on urban design and planning, naturally. She chose to be in the "commercial" group (or the "commercial" team, I'm sure). I guess there was a commercial, residential, municipal, and industrial team. Given she had the first pick in her group, she chose to research and build Toys R Us, naturally. What kid wouldn't? What, you didn't do urban planning in first grade?
As part of this module her class took a trip to the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. -- ObamaTown. After the field trip she brought home the above building which is not Toys R Us.
Apparently it is "Eagles' Stadium" home of the Philadelphia Eagles. And yes, apparently, it is a commercial building and not a municipal facility according to little Ms. County Superintendent's List. What, you didn't have a first period marking period Superintendent's List in first grade?