Not everyone can have a plan. Nothing happens for a reason unless you make the reason and act against that reason. Creativity is one-tenth natural ability ("gift"), six-tenths torturous suffering ("pain"), and three-tenths pure circumstance ("luck"). You have to plan.
I have a plan. I have a plan to execute. You can join the plan or get the hell out of the way. I want you but I don't need you.
I have had plans before and I will have plans again. I now have a brand new plan because the last half of 2008 has been, artistically, extraordinarily interesting and fulfilling (in a life filled with wildly interesting and fulfilling adventures). Trust me.
"Do or do not...there is no try."There are specific people who have pushed and shoved and nudged and urged and challenged and praised me to the point where I have to either have and execute this plan or die. Like Dick Cheney said, "we are turning a corner."
- Yoda
"Don't try. Do!"
- Ralph
On January 1, 2009, we will be around that corner. Until then, let me clear the backlog:
The Plan: [clicky]