[w/apologies & credit to Zefrank]
Oh Face! writes:"I'm not going to get all philosophical, because who knows, maybe deep down you really hate yourself. I just like your use of light. Very nice."Again Oh Face! gets his or her own post because "Cheech" (as Oh Face! has called me although I would have went with "Chong" but, shit, either is funny) is stimulated by an Oh Face! comment. I'm stimulated dammit. I've got comments on Oh Face's comments, like totally gave me a topic to write about that I know about and like: me. Hella tite, Oh Face. Here goze:
- From "Barn: End" post [clicky]
1) Of Face, thank you for the compliment on my use of light in photography. Without light, photography would be nothing but construction paper and a Kaypro II. But as you know, 'Face, it is the appropriate and clever use and the willful abuse of light that gets you somewhere in photography (as well as hot naked chicks thank you m@sharkey).Donkey schlong indeed. How many times can one person ask the same motherfucking question, how good is my life? Thank you to Oh Face! who ever the fuck you are (like I don't know - ha!).
Kind of you to compliment and I really appreciate that. You know I do. Fiat lux.
2) People! Fucking learn something from Oh Face! (and o_w_g, holla!). This is the second full post based solely on something Oh! has posted in the comments. The interwebs is participatory and interactive and social and all that bullshit. Learn yourselves. Hook a brotha up, yuns.
Oh Face challenges, compliments, and stays in my face. Thank you Oh Face! You rule. Where you other sukkahs at? [Ed. note: wow look all the ebonics]
3) Now to the topic: Do, maybe deep down, I really hate myself? Actually, I don't. Far from it. In fact, I'm probably the most happily narcissistic, self-absorbed, and completely happy-I'm-me person I've ever met. I have a superiority complex, in fact. Surprise!
I know this and always have. But I've learned along the way to deflect and misdirect. I poo-poo myself and talents as much as I can for a number of reasons. Mostly, it is rude to be immodest. People who are overtly full of themselves are boorish and goddamn annoying. Especially when they suck.
I am tough on myself and those close to me though. I'm critical (and usually correctly so) of output, belief, opinion, and taste. Yet I've settled on no one genre or style artistically. What I represent is a post-race, post-gender, completely over it evolution revolution. [Ed. note: that was the dumbest sentence ever written, queer in fact] You're with me or you're with the terrorists.
But self-hate? Nope. Never. Not even in Jr. high or high school. Loved that shit, high school, c'mon? Sweetness. Questioned a lot about my self and my world but I always knew I had something figured and wired. Always in on the best-est grift. Had it too easy, in fact. Like I was always an old man like Benjamin Button or something.
Now, Oh Face!, I am going to get philosophical (because you deserve it). Life is what you make it. You get one shot. You die. Why not live in your own customized version? Malcolm Gladwell argues (or posits) in his new book that (and I'm purposefully oversimplifying this one nuance) nurture is as weighty as nature. Fine.
But, what I'm arguing is that you can't cry yourself to sleep because of some fucked genes nor can you blame your sorry ass on your "situation." Just get the fuck up and do something. We're the fucking adults now.
Mazel tov.