From the August 30, 2008 Alma Mater post:
"Helen Shafran said...It's interesting how things work. How wakes decay. Twenty-five years after graduating high school, Helen Shafran decides to look up the words to the early 80s version of her high school alma mater because she distinctly remembers that it explicitly extolled the virtues and hijinx of alcohol consumption. High school. She realized that that wouldn't get close to flying in 2008 but decides to see if the words were "that bad." She Googles some of the words she remembers and finds...this:
OK Ty, what a trip!! Helen Shafran here, CHS '83, I remember you well and fondly. And check it out: JUST LAST NIGHT I was thinking of the CHS fight song and thinking the exact same thing you are saying here!! AND I was trying to remember all the words of our Alma Mater. Hilarious...what's up in the universe...? I hope that you (and your family??) are all well. Just stumbled across your page as I was "googling" to find the alma mater's words... haven't had a chance to read it, and don't (my kids need me at the moment & my husband's still @ work). I'll try to come back and check out your page again sometime soon. Take well... :-)"
- Dec 10, 2008 4:01:00 PM

2. E-e-e-emalings:
Regarding the December 10, 2008 Jimi Hendrix post:
"BSD said...Okay, BSD, here goes: *
That is a tragic misquote on the Jimi issue. Let's not run me up the flagpole to your, I don't know, three readers.
At least an asterisk with a footnote, 'She may be a Jimi idiot, but she is an entirely competent fake MD'."
- Dec 10, 2008 7:53:06 PM
Sorry. Do I tease to much? Are you not used to my brand of "care." I suppose you didn't like the part where I quoted you as saying:
"Any of you thar fellaws ever hear of that boy that plays duh gittar, Jimmy-sommthin? Jimny Hendricks; colored fellaw? Let me know if you have a recommendation because growing up in the Church, ahs givven me soma affinity for the gittars."C'mon? Comedic's the interwebs. Anybody reading this (all three of yuns) will know that nobody I know talks like this. Since you were so kind with your medical advice and aren't quite used to my" brand of 'care'" I'll publish your actual quotation (since people aren't up to speed on your character yet).
With regard to Mr. Jimi Hendrix, Betsy actually sent this query (a rare AKD correction):
"ehy jollyman rich an" ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ slap /\/\ah fRo~ enny uh Yo dar fellaws veah jhear uh det fella det plAYs duh gttar, jimmah-sommd1n???????????????? ji/\/\mah hendrioX0rs; cokleod fellaw!?!??!??!?!? l et mek nows if yo' ahfg smoe rec0mnmendasshun on accoutn o' gr0wIn dowN in d" churdch, ahs givv3n me somaa ffinitt fO' d" gitfi'ls."Now we're cool, right? As our real president, George W. Bush said in September 2001, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists (applause)."