I mean, what?, right? As Rich replied, "Have we met?" We must have given her the business over that, boy...whew! All sarcasting and hipsterish.
I have a long history with Jimi Hendrix which probably goes back as far as junior high school. There were some cats back in the small days who knew nuance with regard to one Mr. Jimi Hendrix. I just liked-then-loved what I heard. No nuance about anything other than he died in 1970 at the age of 28 and played a mean-ass guitar with a great drummer. I had to calculate his death age twice because 28 seems so young. When you're 12 years-old, 28 seems quite old; almost 30. But looking back from 43...Jimi Hendrix was child. A baby.
Anyway, Betsy and Jimi. I advised her to buy all of the first three/only records (Experience, Bold As..., and Ladyland) and listen through straight then repeat. Rich is making a mix-tape for her. So, she's squared away--for life. Rich and I will suddenly and clearly make so much more sense to her.
So, "Bold As Love" was playing on my iTunes because Betsy brought up Jimi Hendrix and I "took a crazy leap" and pressed the Genius icon.