Today we did a short 50 round refresher that covered:
- Grip
- Loading
- Unloading
- Reloading
- Sight Alignment
- Sight Picture
- Trigger Manipulation in both Double and Single Action Mode
- The 4-Count Draw Stroke
- Use of the Front Sight to dictate Speed of Firing
- Theory of Flash Sight Picture / Timing based upon Threat Proximity
- Use of the Handgun as an Impact Tool
Then we covered the following (remaining 100 rounds):
- Movement from Position 3 to Position 4 while pulling the trigger to ensure the shot breaks on or before the elbows lock out
- Malfunction Drills / Tap Rack Bang using Dummy Rounds
- Close Quarters Draw using a Cover Garment and "Spearing Elbow" for protection
- Introduced physical pressure / friction in the form of shoving Ty then yelling "Gun" to initiate the draw -- this gets Ty focusing on getting the gun out and rounds into the target as the end result and forces him to ignore having the perfect stance or perfect draw or whatever -- get gun out / align sights / fire -- nothing else matters.
- Then we put it all together / draw with cover garment / malfunctions / reloads / scanning for additional targets etc
Overall Thoughts:
Ty did very well once I showed him how to move the pistol from Position 3 to Position 4 while pulling the trigger to ensure the shot breaks on or before the elbows lock out. Once he envisioned a string tied to the trigger as he moved the pistol forward he was good to go. I think Ty really enjoyed the use of a Cover Garment and "Spearing Elbow" during a close quarters draw.
Once the Cover Garment was introduced and Ty saw the friction it adds it really opened his eyes. The Cover Garment always adds friction -- especially during reloads -- which makes your first shots all the more important. The biggest take away from today's session was that Ty came into his own using the "Speed of Seeing" his front sight to dictate his rate of fire. Good job! I also think Ty enjoyed having the physical pressure of the shoves added to today's evolution.
I loaned Ty my Blue Gun and a holster so he can practice the four count draw stroke on his own. Remember Ty -- "Perfect Practice Makes Better!"