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Artist Li Wei
小弟使用電腦多年,大大話話需要備份的資料已有十年以上。過往曾使用 Windows Server 加上獨立硬碟,到 Windows Server 加上一張 IDE RAID。由設定到備份,其實 Windows Server 是不錯的,可借硬體損壞及作業系統受損也會令資料遺失,加上硬體老化,數年前轉用了 NAS,可借效能不滯及似乎支援大硬碟不太好,最後我也重投自設 File Server 的懷抱。可借對 NAS 失去信心,現在底板內建硬體又有硬體損壞後不能救回資料的問題,用 Windows 又有版權及病毒等煩惱,最後因為看過這個 Blog

It's so HOT to be Pregnant! ... and I'm not referring to heat flashes. It's seriously sexy. I have never felt more in my body and thrilled to be a powerful, life-creating, woman. Oh, did I mention I'm pregnant! YES. It's true. The one you never thought would turn domestic. I now have a little alien life form of 14 weeks growing in my womb, who, according to my "Baby Egg: Pregnancy Countdown Calendar," can curl his/her toes and kick, and open and close his/her mouth. Awwwww.
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