Here's the input of a great friend, "That sucks about your computer. It seems the universe is telling you to disconnect for awhile. Guess I'd listen too." Exactly. When life takes punches you just have to use some unwaxed Brazilian Jujutsu (柔術) and turn that frown upside down and shit. Believe me, I'm cool. I'm off to the beach.
"But how are you posting shit, Ty?" I'm a businessman and an artist and I have more than one computer, don. I'm not a rube. It's just this one (my #2) is very slow. So what? 20 years ago I could have launched the SpaceShuttle on this bitch.
Here's a photograph of the hole where my #1 usually lives while I'm using #2 (the new photograph):
But, this is a blessing. I fond this image in Bob Villa's This Old Computer. It. Is. Priceless (the old photograph):
Have a good Memorial Day. Remember me.