Black People: Just Because Barack Obama Won an Election Doesn't Mean You Can Now Get Away With Everything
"He's our president" doesn't change anything. We still have 232 years of U.S. American laws to follow. There is a reason that U.S. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world (at somewhere around 740 people per 100,000); more than Russia, more than China. If you believe all that Evil Empires shit, then that number should wake your ass up, sleepy-head. There are, right now, more than 7 million people in The System--"under correctional supervision" they call it--either locked-up, on probation, or on parole. That's the approximate population Los Angeles and Chicago combined. All of NYC. Right now, about 2.3 million people are in prison compared with 1.5 million in China. The population of Houston is abut 2.2 million. Context served.
I guess the rednecks are right too, freedom isn't free, is it people? I won't even run a fucking red light anymore with my scardy-cat ass. When the crosswalk sign says Don't Walk, my ass is frozen like Han Solo at the end of Empire. And I can act white as white as Rick Santorum if I need to.
Holy shit!
Because there are laws in this country there are a shitload of guilty verdicts and prisons for the guilty and infrastructure around those laws and guilty verdicts and prison. It's a huge business. The prison-industrial complex. So, just because you have a XXL t-shirt with Martin Luther King and Barack Obama that says "We Overcame" does not exempt you from any law any where. Try it. Go ahead, break a law and see. Rob a bank, I fucking double-dog dare your ass. I'll be the very first to say, "I told you so." America ain't post-racial for shit. Worse, America is still post-9/11, all getting athletes foot from trying to catch a flight (c'mon, you can figure that one out). More laws, more guilty verdicts, more prisons, and more fucking official loopholes and cracks you can fall through if you pick your nose near a cop. I served five weeks on a federal criminal trial. To sum: the laws of U.S. America are not written in favor of criminals.
Black people: If you do not want to be in prison or "treated like a criminal" (I watch COPS), then you have to be extra-ULTRA-careful with how you present yourself and how you behave because people watch. Quit frontin' like you got Barack's number in your phone...and don't fucking break laws like O.J. Quit selling crack. Look at Harvard Professor Skip Gates. He didn't do shit and got thrown in jail (and everybody knows he didn't do shit too). Fortunately he had Barack's number in his phone (you don't and I don't).
White People: Just Because Barack Won Doesn't Mean We Are All Automatically Equal Now
Just because one (half)black man won the presidency (once, less than one year ago) does not mean that, automatically, we're all equal now no matter what you heard on NPR about a post-racial America. Trust me. Sticking with the "under correctional supervision" theme for a moment, please note that 40% of the prison population is what race? Wanna guess? C'mon, you can guess. Seriously, guess. Don't cray about not knowing there was a pop quiz because this is the easiest question of the day. That's right, 40 percent of the U.S. American prison population is black compared with blacks making up only 13% of the overall U.S. American population. Oy fucking vey! Supplies! [<-- old joke, look it up] From Drug War Facts dot org:
Even Untied States President Barack Obama, United Sates Attorney General Eric Holder, and the resurrected corpses of United States President Abraham Lincoln and United States hero Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. couldn't balance that accounting even if they were ALL wearing a XXL "We Overcame" t-shirts. And do not even attempt to tell me white people aren't involved in drugs. I learned everything I know about drugs from white people.
- The incarnation rate for white men was 773 per 100,000, for black men 4,618 per 100,000.
- Nationwide, one in every 20 black men over the age of 18 is in prison. This compares to one in 180 white men.
Barack won and we have automatic equality? Yeah, if equality is swinging at a super juiced and super pissed Roger Clemons fastball with a chop stick. Blindfolded. Pinch hitting, bottom of the ninth with two outs, blah-blah-blah. Point is: shit ain't equal and it ain't gonna get equal, truly equal, in my lifetime...if fucking ever. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rica, Will Smith, and Tiger Woods couldn't articulate their way into racial homoskedasticity in U.S. America even though "they're so well spoken." So, white people, stop fucking frontin' like it's all even Steven now.
I mean, who knows...if The Real Man (Wall St. in particular) gets pissed enough, they'll perp-walk Hussein Obama's ass across the south front lawn for something.
White people: It's not equal even if the NPR said so.
Quit Frontin'!