
To Sum

"Where to start? It would be funny if it weren't so sad, and if Palin wasn't a contender for the Republican nomination in 2012 (trust me, she is too unhinged to prevail, but she'll get a lot of attention.) Palin's entire statement is so ignorant, so bollixed rhetorically and morally, it hurts to read it. The next time any Republican apologist tries to claim the "town hell" turnouts are spontaneous, let's remind them: OK, sure, it's spontaneous alright; spontaneous combustion super-ignited by the most stupid and divisive lies we've seen in a long time. "

- Joan Walsh, Salon
I've been trying so hard to ignore the(se) insane conservative tactics because they're just plain stupid--from Birthers to Town Hells--but, now Death Panels? And Obama as Hitler? C'mon? Seriously? I so want to scream, "grow up" but it's adults leading this bullshit. Sigh.

Sometimes I am so profoundly embarrassed and ashamed of the America I love and respect so dearly. But we enjoy the freedom to be ridiculous I suppose. And ridiculous (and dumb) we are.

We need to Rodney King ourselves and just get along...and check our facts.