The Revelation: All these years later and I NEVER once thought to convert "Labor Day" into "Leisure Day." What? Really? 13 years of the Kingdom of Leisure and this is a first? Oh boy! Special shout out to my friend "E" in Brooklyn/NYC for shining a big old 4-cell Maglight of OBVIOUS into my eyes like a late night traffic stop. Doy! Mow the fields, boys, it's Leisure Day!
The Image: So I was watching Hannah Montana: The Movie and my wife calls me to dinner so I hesitantly pause the movie since I'm gonna wolf my macaroni and cheese (Kraft!) down and run right back to finish before bed time. I noticed upon my return that my DVD pause had lynched Billy Ray Cyrus. So sad. Sorry BRC, I gots an Achy Breaky Heart over that for realzies.