Well, as with anyone, my so-called dialogue is all over the map. You know, normal, like everyone else. There are highs and there are days like today: the questions all unanswered and unanswerable.
As always, my mind is on my work; inseparable as it is from my life. So my mind is on my life.
Ty Hardaway Mission Statement: To do my work and survive, sustain, grow, thrive, and bring along as many of those I love, like, trust, and respect as I can.
Today's "inner dialogue" is all about how to generate cash flow to execute said mission.
La ejecución es el diablo
L'exécution est le diable
דורכפירונג איז דער טייוול
Pagpugot ng ulo ay ang demonyo
Framkvæmd er djöfullinn
Other than that, there is no inner dialogue. Happy to clear that up for y'all.