The one thing that I've seen become entirely too prevalent in Obamerica from the left is the hypocrisy in calling out racists, but only for accepted races. Y'all are teaming together to continually laugh at Latinos, (and Southerners, and white trash, and more ) and laugh it up you do. You even band together to insult them, except when people from the right start talking about fucking border fences, then you get all defensive. So what the fuck, Geeves?
I see you, hell I even almost attacked a couple of you asswipes recently. I fucking dare you to go into a fucking soul food restaurant in Bed Stuy late at night and mock the 'Good Times' reruns on the teevee, pussies! And the worst part of it, to me at least, is that especially now, in Obamerica, Latinos are accepting their shove down several notches in the ladder. How do I know this? Because only a couple years ago, these same fagtasters in question would have not only been to afraid to even enter the establishment, but they'd have had their asses handed to them.
It's not just me, it's the news as well! Hate crimes in New York City against Latinos is on the rise. Even Sotomayor had to let everyone in the room fucking rape her, all the while keeping her diligence.
So, as you continue to dine on your brioche while mocking the servants who hand you your shit just because they're attempting a foreign language with which to serve you, I just would like you to take a moment to consider the fact that you are the very bullshit you hate.
But wait, there's more!
This is a much more widespread phenomenon, one that extends to (liberal) universities across the land. Liberal white kids usually discover themselves right as they go away to college. Perhaps it's that first taste of kindbud without fear of your parents catching you - regardless, your minds become more open around this time in life. So what inherently happens? You then become the rainbow of friends seeking idiot that you are today. It's actually well-intentioned, as all you really want is 'One Love', right? Now that you've discovered Bob Marley, you've stumbled on to his beautifully impossible mantra, and you move about in order to create your own little 'One Love' congregation.
This is your first and root mistake. The simple fact that you are forcing it makes you the utmost racist. The moment that you approach the stranger for friendship who is of another variety than your own, you are being a racist, and there's nothing you can do about it - either accept and embrace it, or shut the fuck up. I'm not saying it's wrong, but don't blame me when you feel the heat of repercussion when the person on the other end gives you the gas face.
Minorities attending universities, I call bullshit on you as well.
Why? Because you do the very thing that you claim was done TO you, which is, in turn making you the very object of your own hatred. That's right. AND, it is quite apparent, on my end at least, that the ones who are the WORST in this regard are actually the most well to do, open minded, educated, LIBERAL minorities.
Look, I obviously don't get it, nor will I ever pretend to. From my eyes, what I surmise is that, in your cases you spent your entire lives being the only minority in your corn fed little town, forced to 'dance' and now that you're finally surrounded with your own kind, all those years of bubbling anger are bound to blow a gasket. But what follows is what I'm referring to: Super Apeshit Segregation.
Look people, I'm not innocent by any means. I'd never been in the presence of a minority until the 4th grade. Insanely funny right down to the stereotype enough, as the new kid from what they considered another country, despite simply being another state, they paired me with someone to help me around - and low and behold it was THE BLACK KID! This raises multitudes of other questions I won't get into, nor will I answer, but I laugh to this day at the sheer depths of their racism to the point it transcended race back then, and dove head first into straight up community ethnocentricity, which is all part of the even larger cycle of how and why we will never get along, or able to be a part of this 'One Love' concept.
So yes, I was curious. I'd spent my entire life obsessed with music and sports to that point, and so many of these Heroes (MJ, Prince, Tony Dorsett) were not of my race - of COURSE I was curious to finally meet 'one'. That said, I didn't do it of my own accord - we were put together, and I never forced it. We didn't hit it off, so aside from the initial week or so, we never held any friendship, just an indifferent kindness towards each other.
Back to the situation at hand.
Basically, black people and Latinos band together in college, only to form the wall of 'Super Apeshit Segregation'. (wait, is he saying they're apes? fucking racist! this invalidates anything else written here, right?)
At many universities across the land, any would-be friendships that cross the line all occur somewhere in Anne Frank's diary. They do happen, but there is such a fear of ostracizing from the minorities that it CAN'T happen. I'm not talking about some school in New York City or anything- where things make sense- but rather in all the other suburban schools across the land. The same young man you've just spent an hour philosophizing with after class is pretending he's never met you as you say hello to him in the company of other minorities, who turn and say "Who's that cracker?"
"I dunno."
Thanks, assface - I'm glad I helped you understand your fucking Kierkegaard!
Now, granted I realize how annoying it must be to be constantly barraged with pie-eyed hippies longing for friendship and 'down' status, it's understandable - but WTF? REALLY? You REALLY want to reinstill the COLORED ONLY water fountains? I'm disappointed.
Wait, it gets worse. There is a heightened emphasis to be 'ethnic' amongst yourselves. EVERYONE all of a sudden would claim to be from Philly, yet maybe 1% were - the rest from middle-class suburban settings. But that wouldn't be acceptable, would it? Anything to be as far away from ‘the man’ as possible. Overuse of slang you've never used prior, made-up stories of ghetto childhoods as you get into your parents’ Audis between classes, it's regoddamdiculous!
Here's where you've gone too far. You've now become like Southerners in the 1950's, as you now outcast and forbid trans-racial love. Like Daniel Carver himself, if one of your people dates a cracker, they are now dead to you. I've seen it unfold too many times, people, and it's so fucking wrong I'd like to stab the universe.
See, here's the difference. I went to two universities. This was the second, which was much more liberal and contained middle and lower middle-class folks from the suburbs. My experience at college #1 was much, much, much different. College #1 was much bigger, and contained a much higher percentage of minorities. And, these were the kids who were actually FROM Philly.
When I embarked upon college #1, I had only one friend there, and she was a girl who had a boyfriend and her own life. I was on my own. I had freakishly long dyed black hair and was quite a weirdo back then. Most of the white kids who attended this school were rich disappointments who couldn't get in to the good ones, despite their privilege. Do you think they befriended me?
Hell no, they are the same kids who cause shit like Columbine to happen.
So, in this large school, I went ignored and misunderstood for a bit. But then something happened over time. Minorities started befriending me.
They were never the uber-philosophical types of school #2, no! They were simply nice dudes who knew who they were. Sure, we'd trade jabs about the racial differences, but there was never any tension, it was just silly fools acting silly, having fun and loving life. AND, here's the big and - they had no issue with being seen in public with me.
They never made a club out of their ethnicity, they just simply were, which is what the fuck people need to shut the fuck up already about and just do.
Back to you my brethren liberal whites now.
Look, you all agree that all white right wingers are racist, so I won't even go there. I don't know what to call myself on the spectrum, I possess areas of each yet hate you all, and want nothing to do with any segregatory 'club' (GET MY FUCKING POINT YET?????)
Look, we get it - you're trying to let it be known that you want to help those non-whites out. The problem is that you don't see the bigger picture. You don't realize that you're using them - that you're using them to make yourself appear better. This is what I would call the Ted Kennedy effect.
You want all Negroes and spickies to understand that you don't hate them, but what you always end up doing is a constant barrage of a reminder to them that all you're thinking about is their race. It comes through clearly in your actions - you constantly point out prominent black/Latino/Jewish/Iranian success stories to show that "you're down" - well, guess what? You're not! No matter how much you go out of your way to prove yourself worthy, you're still white to them! OH YEAH! You may be 'that cool white bitch', but don't ever forget that they don't ever forget it! This is where you fail.
The simple fact that you harp on race/ethnicity remains a constant reminder that you are condescending AND racist; you are boldly saying, "I know you're beneath us - but I'm here to help!" This alone is your single most fault.
THEY don't want you reminding them WHAT they are. THEY know exactly WHO they are - perhaps YOU need to look in the fucking mirror before explaining the significance of Esmeralda Santiago to them when they already fucking KNOW!
"Errr-uh-I am the unduhdawg!- err-uh!"
My point, exactly - the only difference is that he actually did some good in his evil life, and despite your cute little 'rainbow' brunches, you have not. At least I have the fucking balls to call a spade a spade!
"Oh, he's such a racist". Indeed, and thanks.
by Roebling