
Seasonal Gibberish Since Forever

Build it Up - Tear it Down / Ride my Donkey into Town:
Riding the De-con/Re-con Pendulum

Finally, the long ride down is complete. We are officially at the bottom of this well. Solstice again. The slide from autumn to winter is a cyclical psychic deconstruction of all things built since the previous June. The philosophy is simple. We build up, we tear apart, we build it back up, we tear it down again. Each and every year. Time after time. These are our ways.

I strive to oscillate between the poles, anchors, and extremities. Building, producing, exploring, and nudging.  But, reserving just enough wherewithal to humbly tear it all down to barren nothingness. To quit and start over and over. Humility or stupidity, always outlier avoidant yet disaster prone.  That's where we live.

But then what? And now what? Well, this depends on what remains after the deconstructions. The remaining pieces are our new foundations and our next phase's building blocks. Sifting though this rubble is where we begin anew. Like finding one charred photograph after a traumatic house fire [ellipsis] in Port-au-Prince. Sand becomes glass during the reconstruction.

Our greatest of opportunities and freedoms lie in how we negotiate our new beginnings.  This is how we define ourselves in important ways in the upswing.

Building season has begun. Then we ride our donkeys into town.

"Build it Up - Tear it Down / Ride my Donkey into Town" from "Oceans" - 1997 This is the New America album by the Kingdom of Leisure.